  2005/08/12投資報告展望燈號 黃(3)
1.國際油價維持在60美元以上, Fed為壓抑通膨和舒緩房地產的漲勢,宣布調升利率一碼至3.5%,市場認為12月底Fed升息至4.25%的機率超過五成,明年2月甚至可能繼續升息至4.5%,代表投資人原本認為Fed可能停止升息的看法已經被迫修正.




台灣自明年起(2006)LCD TV銷售量開始超越映像管,而明基是台灣LCD TV銷售排行第一名,甚至超越了Panasonic, Sharp,令人十分驚訝!現在因為和西門子手機部門的合併,引起市場部份投資人的疑慮,以致股價低估,我認為現在正是絕佳的投資機會!
  Stock psychology: Learning model
Why it's called "Learning model"? Because people can get suggestions easily and will LEARN from the history and think the same thing will happen again. In the stk. mkt., the situation is apparently seen. It has some unique features: 1.One publicly-traded co. will provide suggestions(amazing revenue no, or future growth opportunities...or even no obvious suggestions)or maybe the public will assume something with mistake. 2.It will show apparently that everyone can benefit from that. 3.The probability of that is very high. 4.Everyone gets the wrong suggestion; yet no one finds out. This not only happens in the stk. mkt., but in life.

The effect can be enormous. In the early phase, everyone is satisfied with the stk. In the second phase, some clever people sense something wrong and get out quickly. In the last phase(maybe it prevails for several months) anyone inside will get cheated and can't pull back most of the money from the stk but still some people don't believe it and claim what they think as truth.

位置: TPE, Taiwan

深信自己的潛能,期待未來能更加輝煌璀璨,永遠不要忘記自己的目標,不要對自己喪失信心。 一個有很多夢的男人,對於知識有極大的飢渴,對於美食.音樂.美好的事物有極大的狂熱,最大的願望是能幫助自己及身邊的人實現財務自由

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